Climate Masters Blog: Archive for the ‘Heat Pumps’ Category

Ductless Problems to be Aware of

Monday, June 6th, 2016

Ductless systems have a lot of benefits, but they just as prone to issues as any other system. If you’re using a ductless system to stay cool this summer, you’ll want to be on the lookout for any issues that may come up due to the increased strain. Time is of the essence when it comes to repairing ductless issues. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the common ductless problems you may have to deal with in the next few months.

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How Would a Ductless Air Conditioner Help Me?

Monday, March 28th, 2016

Summer is almost here, and that means that for some of us it’s time to consider installing a new air conditioning system. It can be tempting to just go with inertia and install the same kind of system that you were using before, especially considering how daunting it can be to navigate the expansive air conditioning market. However, you should still take a look at the advantages that a ductless air conditioner can offer. Read on for more information.

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Why You Should Install a Heat Pump Before Summer

Monday, March 21st, 2016

Winter is over, and summer isn’t far off. As the days start to heat up, you’re going to want to make sure that your home is ready for the warmest months of the year. Part of those preparations is making sure that you have a good air conditioning system in place. If you don’t, now is a great time to have a new one installed. Before you go for that traditional AC system, though, you should take a look at what heat pumps have to offer.

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The Advantages of Using a Heat Pump This Winter

Monday, February 8th, 2016

If you’re in the market for a new heating system this winter, you may be tempted to go with something standard like a furnace. While there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that, it’s a good idea to take a look at the wider heating market. You never know whether another heating system type might be a better fit for your needs. Let’s take a look at heat pumps, how they operate, and how they can benefit you this winter.

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Common Heat Pump Problems to be Aware of

Monday, January 25th, 2016

Just like any system, heat pumps are susceptible to the occasional problem over years of normal use. Also like any other system, the chances of a heat pump developing problems go up during times of heavy usage. If you’re using a heat pump to keep warm this winter, you’re putting the system under more stress than it usually has to deal with. You should keep an eye out for any problems that may crop up as a result of this stress. Lets’ take a look at some common heat pump problems you should watch for.

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What to do if Your Heat Pump is Icing Over

Monday, January 11th, 2016

If you’re using a heat pump to keep warm this winter, you may notice ice starting to form on the outside coil. If you do see this happening, don’t panic. Heat pump ice is to be expected if certain conditions are met, and the system is designed to deal with it. However, the ice can definitely become a problem if the system’s countermeasures fail. Let’s take a look at why it happens, and when you should call for professional help.

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Why Isn’t My Heat Pump Working?

Monday, December 28th, 2015

We are at that time of year when the evenings become cool enough to warrant turning on the heat. But what happens if your heat doesn’t come on, or your heat pump doesn’t work at all? There can be a few reasons why your heat pump isn’t working as needed, and the pros from Climate Masters can help determine what the issue is. Some common reasons for a heat pump HVAC system not working properly are:

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Now Is a Great Time to Schedule Maintenance for Your Heat Pump

Monday, October 19th, 2015

“Winter” in St. Augustine, FL is a somewhat debatable season, but that’s what makes our area such a good climate for using a heat pump: the consistent warm temperatures. When we do experience cooler temperatures, you can easily change your heat pump from cooling to heating by pressing a button. The bottom line, though, with a heat pump system is that it is a 2-in-1 device, so it runs for most of the year. This is very different from having two separate systems, one providing heat and the other providing cool air. Owning a system that does it all means that system needs bi-annual maintenance to stay on track, and our fall weather provides the perfect window of opportunity to have your heat pump professionally maintained by the HVAC pros at Climate Masters.

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Heat Pump Repair Guide: Problems with the Reversing Valve

Monday, June 22nd, 2015

Many people ask what the difference is between a heat pump and an air conditioner. The main difference is that a heat pump can both heat and cool a home, whereas an air conditioner just cools a home. The reason for this is a key component called the reversing valve. This valve is specialized for heat pumps, and when issues arise with the reversing valve in your heat pump, there will be operational issues. What kind of problems can arise with the reversing valve? Let’s take a look.

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Why Is My Heat Pump Stuck in Cooling Mode?

Monday, January 5th, 2015

You press the “heat” button on your dual-mode thermostat only to feel cool air come from your heat pump. While we may not be as cold as other parts of the country, our nights are getting chilly, and no one wants to add to that chilly air with more chilly air. Why is your heat pump stuck in the cooling mode? Because something has happened with the reversing valve, and you’ll need to call for heat pump repair in St. Augustine.

What Is the Reversing Valve?

The reversing valve is a component that allows your heat pump to change from heating to cooling and back again by changing the directional flow of the system’s refrigerant. The reversing valve is a medium-sized metal tube with four nozzles – three on the bottom and one on top. There is also a small electronic component on top of the pump called a solenoid. This component helps push the sliding mechanism inside the reversing valve from side to side as needed so that the refrigerant flow can change direction.

A “Stuck” Reversing Valve

The reversing valve is a complex component, and sometimes it can get stuck, either in a mode or in between modes. There a few reasons why a reversing valve can become stuck:

  • A bad solenoid
  • A refrigerant leak
  • A problem with the dual-mode thermostat
  • An issue with the sliding mechanism

The main reason for a solenoid to malfunction is because one or both of the wires in the component fray or become corroded; the good news is that a solenoid can be replaced. But should a refrigerant leak develop within the valve, the valve will need to be replaced. Thermostats can also suffer from frayed and corroded wiring, and they can also malfunction due to too much dust or dirt on the instrumentation. In a worst-case scenario, the thermostat can also be replaced. Lastly, should the sliding mechanism malfunction, there is no way to repair it and the valve will need to be replaced.

If your heat pump is stuck in any way, call for heat pump repair in St. Augustine. The trained experts at Climate Masters can help with any issue you may have, so call us today!

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