Climate Masters Blog: Archive for February, 2017

What Can Happen without Routine Heat Pump Maintenance?

Monday, February 20th, 2017

We harp on the importance of heating maintenance a lot on this site, but we do it for a good reason. Preventive heating maintenance is not only beneficial, but is absolutely necessary for maintaining a healthy heating system. That goes double for heat pumps, which need maintenance twice as often as other system types. If you don’t take good care of your heating system, you may find yourself replacing it many years sooner than you would have liked. Read on to find out what happens if you don’t have your heat pump professionally checked often enough.

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How a Clogged Air Filter can Destroy Your Furnace

Monday, February 6th, 2017

Oftentimes, it’s the most minor thing that can bring disaster to a system. A single line of code, a relatively miniscule exhaust port, the one linchpin that everything rests on in order to function properly. Believe it or not, a similar weak point exists in your furnace. The air filter is there to prevent dust and debris of various kinds from blowing into the system, and causing problems with its operation. It does this job well, capturing various contaminants as they flow in from the ducts. The problem, though, is that the air filter has no way of getting rid of the contaminants that it collects. If the system isn’t cleaned or replaced every few months, it will eventually become clogged. That’s when the serious problems start.

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