Climate Masters Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

How to Achieve More Efficient AC Use

Monday, June 21st, 2021

outside-ac-unit-with-clipboard-on-topSummer is officially upon us… though in our parts it’s pretty much always summer, right? So when you use your home’s central air conditioning system, you want to do so as efficiently, and therefore as affordably, as possible. Hopefully, you had your spring tune-up done already so your air conditioner has its best chance of operating well all summer long. If not, don’t worry! It’s not too late—give our team a call to schedule your next tune-up.

Even without your maintenance tune-up though, there are still actions you can take that will increase the efficiency of your air conditioner and therefore lower your overall energy costs. Keep reading as we uncover some tips on how to achieve more efficient AC use.

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What Happens During Your Air Conditioner Tune-Up?

Monday, June 7th, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitWe talk about maintenance tune-ups a lot here at Climate Masters, and for good reason! Tune-ups allow our professionals to fully inspect, clean, and adjust components within your HVAC system that need it. This helps those systems perform more effectively and efficiently. Ultimately, this saves you money as you have fewer repair needs and your air conditioner will even last longer. Who doesn’t want to save money on their air conditioning when they live somewhere like Florida? The good news is, it’s really easy to do so.

Of course, it’s one thing for us to tell you that you should schedule tune-ups, but it’s another story to explain why and to explain what actually happens during these tune-ups. Read on as we uncover the general steps we take when maintaining your air conditioner.

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Have You Scheduled This Important AC Service Yet?

Monday, May 10th, 2021

two-techs-working-on-ac-systemMaintenance is one of those services that when you hear an HVAC professional suggest, you might want to just dismiss. Unless something is severely wrong with your air conditioner that’s causing it to function improperly, you probably don’t want to spend money that you don’t have to spend, right?

But the fact of the matter is, when you skip maintenance you might very well find yourself spending money you shouldn’t have to spend. Maintenance for your air conditioner is just as essential as maintenance for your car. If you want either to do their job as effectively and efficiently as expected, then you need to provide it with preventative care.

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Refrigerant Loss: Why It Happens and What It Means

Monday, April 26th, 2021

refrigerant-lineThere are many problems that can impact a home that you might classify as “minor.” It’s true, some problems aren’t very big. However, when it comes to your air conditioning system, there’s no issue that you’ll want to just brush off without having a professional at least look at your system. Refrigerant loss is one of those problems.

Refrigerant is the component that literally makes the cooling process possible. If you have reason to believe that your system is losing refrigerant, it’s time to give us a call. The longer you wait to do so, the bigger risk there is of serious damage happening to your AC—most likely to the compressor, which is the heart of your cooling system. But, how do you know if your system is losing refrigerant? And why does it matter?

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How Can You Use Your Air Conditioner Most Efficiently?

Monday, March 1st, 2021

woman-leaning-back-on-couch-with-eyes-closed-and-smilingWhile other parts of the country are dealing with very severe winter temperatures, we know that in our area, summer weather is just around the corner. There’s no denying that our air conditioners get quite the workout throughout not only summer, but pretty much 11 months out of the year if we’re being honest!

Now is the time to schedule maintenance, if you haven’t done so already. This is just one of the many ways to ensure that your cooling system works as efficiently as possible throughout the season, and throughout the years. The good news is, there are some additional, easy, and even free steps you can take to boost efficiency in addition to keeping up with your annual AC maintenance appointments.

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What Happens During My AC Tune-Up?

Monday, February 15th, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerYou’ve heard us talk about maintenance, but do you know why it’s so important? First off, it will help your cooling system work more efficiently. This means you won’t have to pay any more than you should in order to use your AC. Additionally, it reduces wear and tear and repair needs, meaning your air conditioner will last longer, too. A well cared for air conditioner can last about 10-15 years, but without tune-ups you can expect yours to last maybe half of that.

We typically recommend air conditioner maintenance in the early spring, before you’ll need the system the most. But consistency is what’s most important here—you should have maintenance done at least once a year for a central air conditioner. Also, in a climate like ours, it doesn’t really matter what time of the year it is! Although it’s worth noting that it can be harder to schedule a tune-up during our busier summer months as technicians are out on emergency service and repair calls.

So, what does maintenance entail, exactly? How can we convince you of its importance? Read on!

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Is It Too Early for an AC Tune-Up?

Monday, February 1st, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitMost of the HVAC blogs you might read will typically recommend that you schedule air conditioning maintenance in the spring, and heating maintenance in the fall—before you need either system the most. But here in St Augustine, we pretty much need our air conditioners year-round. So what does that mean for scheduling? Well, it’s never too early for an AC tune-up!

Is a tune-up necessary? Well, in short, yes. If you want your air conditioner to work as efficiently and effectively as possible for as long as possible, then you want to have maintenance done on the system at least once a year. If you’re utilizing a year-round heat pump system, then this should be upped to twice a year. Read on to learn more!

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Common Central AC Problems

Monday, October 12th, 2020

tech-working-on-central-ac-outdoor-unitCentral cooling is not just something that’s “nice to have” in our part of the country. It’s an absolute necessity, affecting not only your comfort but your quality of life. It’s also one of the most specialized features of a home. This means while the average homeowner can take on projects like tightening a bolt to fix a plumbing leak, or replacing an outlet cover in the home, they should take on projects that involve fixing their air conditioner. But that’s what we are here for!

Climate Masters provides exceptional central AC services, from quality installation to reliable repairs and maintenance. It’s important to remember, however, that even the best air conditioner on the market, that’s cared for diligently with maintenance each year, is going to suffer from natural wear and tear and you’ll probably have a repair need here or there that you weren’t expecting. This is especially true if your system is 10+ years old. So, what are some of the common central AC problems you should watch out for? Read on to learn about them!

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“Do I Need Late-Season AC Maintenance?”

Monday, September 28th, 2020

technicians-working-on-air-conditionerIf you ask an HVAC contractor in almost any other part of the country, they’ll tell you the best time for air conditioner maintenance is in the spring, before you need your system the most. It’s not that this is untrue for folks in our area, but what matters the most wherever you are is that maintenance is done consistently, no matter the time of year.

In Florida, late-season AC maintenance can be necessary even if you had spring maintenance done this year, depending on just how hot and humid our summer was, and what kind of shape your air conditioner is in, age and repair wise. Ultimately, maintenance helps your system work more efficiently and last longer. So, regardless of the time of year, if you haven’t had a tune-up in a year or so, go ahead and schedule it now! Read on to learn why this service is so important.

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Is Your Central AC Efficiency Struggling?

Monday, September 14th, 2020

central-ac-efficiencyCentral air conditioning isn’t just something that’s “nice to have” in any area of Florida. It’s an absolute necessity. Of course, by now, you’re probably tired of using yours. Not because it doesn’t provide comfort, but because it’s so dang expensive, right? After all, HVAC use accounts for about half of all utility costs. It makes sense you’d like to use less energy in order to save money. What if we told you there was a way to do so without sacrificing comfort?

Actually, there are a number of ways to do so without sacrificing comfort! All it takes is boosting the efficiency of your central air conditioning system. Read on as we tell you how to do just that.

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