Climate Masters Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

2 Negative Effects of Faulty Ductwork

Monday, May 11th, 2015

If you use a traditional forced air system to cool your home in St. Augustine, FL, then you have ductwork. Ductwork is the delivery system for your cool air, and if it has cracks, holes and disconnections, the volume and quantity of your air will be greatly diminished. Why does this happen? Let’s take a look:

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Why Consider Installing a Dehumidifier?

Monday, April 13th, 2015

Hot and sticky are two very common words heard around here at the heart of summer, and the relief we all feel when we enter our air conditioning is palpable. However, you aren’t the only one feeling the heat – your air conditioner is, too, and the more humid it gets, the harder your AC has to work to achieve the comfort you need and want. But there is a way you lessen the load on your air conditioner while also improving your comfort: install a whole-home dehumidifier.

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When Is Duct Repair or Replacement Needed?

Friday, March 20th, 2015

Cooling a home in this part of the country is challenging enough without trying to do so with a compromised air conditioning system. Your heater, while certainly used less than your air conditioning system, shares its ductwork with your air conditioning system if both are forced air distribution based. This means that problems with your ductwork can lead to year round issues when trying to keep your home comfortable. Needless to say, this is not any kind of situation that you’ll wish to find yourself in. If you have any reason to suspect that there is a problem with your ductwork, then contact Climate Masters immediately. Professional ductwork service in Palm Coast is among our areas of expertise.

Because your air ducts are, of course, so largely hidden from view, you may not realize immediately that they are compromised in some way. After all, you cannot simply give them a quick visual inspection. Even so, though, there are many different warning signs which may indicate the need for professional ductwork services, be they repair or replacement.

First of all, pay attention to your heating and cooling costs. If you are running your air conditioner regularly throughout the summer season, which in all likelihood you are, then you probably have a pretty good idea of just how much it costs to cool your home. There will be some fluctuation, of course. However, any sudden spikes in your cooling – or heating – costs may indicate that energy is being wasted as conditioned air escapes your system. The sound of hissing while running your HVAC systems, as well as a decline in indoor air quality throughout your home, are all also signs that your ductwork is compromised.

In many cases, your air ducts may be sealed or replaced in order to stop leakage and to resolve other issues. There are certain situations in which duct replacement may be necessary, though. Your air ducts may be rusted or damaged beyond repair, or your system may be so poorly designed that it simply cannot distribute air throughout your home effectively.

Whatever the problem may be, you can count on Climate Masters to solve the problem entirely. We specialize in all manner of ductwork services in Palm Coast. Call today for more details.

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Problems Caused by Damaged Ductwork

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

The ducts in your home are largely hidden from view, passing through the walls, floors, and ceilings in order to reach a vent that delivers conditioned air into your home. That’s why it’s important that the ducts in your home remain in stable condition, without any problems that could allow air to leak out from any random holes or cracks.

Damages in the ducts occur more frequently than you may think. The ducts are subjected to quite a bit of air pressure every day, and certain materials may actually begin to crack under the pressure. Ducts that are not completely sealed or professionally maintained can end up with any of the following problems. In most cases, the only solution is calling a professional for duct repair in St. Augustine.

  • Reduced Efficiency: As air leaks out of your damaged ductwork, it cannot move into your home. This means you’re paying money to condition a space like an attic or crawlspace while your unit continues to run at full force for long periods of time.As it attempts to get your home back to the right temperature, you’ll end up paying a lot more on your utilities.
  • Poor HVAC Performance: When air leaks out of the ductwork, your HVAC system will have to struggle in order to work as it should. Parts can become overworked as a result and wear down to the point that they need replacement.
  • Contaminants in the Air: Finally, damaged ductwork allows air from unoccupied spaces to enter your home. Air flowing through the ducts may suck in contaminants from unconditioned areas like the attic, and some of the dust or insulation material can be inhaled as it moves through your home, negating the purpose of the AC filter in your house.

It’s imperative that you have a professional repair your ducts, as they have the tools and expertise to find areas of reduced pressure in order to properly determine from which areas your ducts are leaking. Furthermore, they have the right types of sealants and tapes: standard duct tape is NOT a good solution for damaged ducts and could actually pose a fire hazard and emit some dangerous fumes when heated.

Climate Masters is the only company you’ll need for duct repair, duct sealing, and more.

Contact us today to schedule duct repair in St. Augustine if you suspect a problem due to heating inefficiency, strange noises, or any other suspicious activity.

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Can Duct Cleaning Benefit My HVAC System?

Monday, October 20th, 2014

When it comes time to clean your home, you try to get every nook and cranny that you can. But some areas of the home are harder to reach than others, like the ductwork. In fact, while you may be able to reach the vents that lead to your home, large-scale duct cleaning is a job best left to the professionals.

Professional duct cleaning involves the use of specialized tools that can remove any stray particles that may otherwise infiltrate the air in your home. Specialists use heavy-duty vacuums to create negative pressure in the ducts, so that particles knock loose from the lining of the ductwork. They also use brushes and, in some cases, non-toxic liquid cleaning solutions, and they know the proper methods of cleaning to avoid any damage, even for flexible ductwork. This is important for both a healthy living space and, more surprisingly, for your HVAC system.

The Benefits of Professional Duct Cleaning

Of course, the most obvious benefit of professional duct cleaning is improved air quality. Your family members may inhale dust and debris that moves through the ductwork and into your home, causing respiratory problems or provoking the symptoms of asthma or allergies. But one of the more surprising benefits is what duct cleaning can do for your air conditioning and heating system.

  • Prevent HVAC Repair: When any part of your HVAC system is not in top shape, it can interfere with normal operation. A layer of dirt and dust in the ducts can create friction which keeps air from moving into your home with ease. This means your HVAC unit will work harder in an attempt to regulate the temperature. Over time, the extra strain on your system may cause parts to fail.
  • Extend the Life of Your Unit: As parts wear down, they may fail before their time is up. An HVAC system is a big investment and it is important to keep all of the components in top shape to give your unit some extra time—and even an extra month or two can make a huge difference for your budget.
  • Greater Efficiency: Finally, scheduling duct cleaning every year can help you save a little bit of money every month. Because your system may not take as long to cool or heat your home with cleaner ducts, you may have a more efficient system and save on your energy bills.

Experts recommend scheduling duct cleaning every year to keep pollutants out of your home. To speak with duct cleaning professionals in Ponte Vedra Beach, call Climate Masters today!

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How Duct Sealing Benefits Your HVAC System

Monday, October 6th, 2014

Have you noticed unusual, musty smells coming from the vents in your house? Has the strength of the airflow from the vents dropped? Are your recent utility bills higher than you expected? Does it seem like more dust than usual is clogging up the corners of rooms?

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” then you may have air leaks in your home’s ventilation system. To fix this problem, leave the duct tape in the drawer and call on duct sealing specialists to locate all the leaks and seal them.

Duct sealing is important for maintaining comfort and to prevent a decline in your home’s indoor air quality. It is also a service that is beneficial for your HVAC system, as we will explain below. For experienced technicians to attend to your damaged ductwork in St. Augustine, FL and the rest of St. Johns County, call Climate Masters today. We offer multiple services to take care of your ducts, including sealing, repair, replacement, and cleaning.

The ways that duct sealing is good for your HVAC system

The most important reason you need to have leaks in your ductwork sealed up is that they will cause a drop in the air pressure inside the ducts. Ventilation systems are supposed to retain an airtight seal along their length to keep air pressure from dropping; if this seal is broken, it will force the air conditioning or heating system to work harder to compensate for the loss. An overworked HVAC system will 1) cost more to run, and 2) wear down faster, resulting in an early replacement.

Because gaps in ducts will usually open on dusty areas of a home (such as spaces between walls), they often permit large amounts of contamination into the ventilation system. This dust, dirt, and other debris will not only get blown into the living spaces of a house, lowering indoor air quality, they will also end up clogging the air filter of the HVAC system and even entering the cabinet itself. A clogged air filter will severely hamper an air conditioner or heater’s performance. If this debris should enter the cabinet, it can cause damage to the components, leading to repair needs.

Call for professional duct sealers

Duct sealing requires special equipment to locate the air leaks and then seal them. Specialists in ductwork repair will use mastic sealant or metallic tapes to close up all the holes and gaps they find inside ducts to restore their integrity.

When you call Climate Masters to seal your ductwork in St. Augustine, FL, you not only receive high quality work, you may also qualify for rebates available through Florida Power & Light Company.

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Signs You Need a Whole-Home Dehumidifier

Monday, September 15th, 2014

Part of the comfort you feel from an air conditioning system involves moisture control. This is because your air conditioner removes humidity as it removes heat. When there is too much humidity in the air, your AC may not be able to successfully remove enough of moisture to make things feel comfortable. But humidity does more than just make the air feel uncomfortable: it can damage your belongings and cause health issues. The installation of a whole-home dehumidifier in St. Augustine can remove the excess moisture in the air while your AC cycles, reducing the effects of high humidity. Professional installation of a whole-home dehumidifier from Climate Masters can re-balance the moisture level in your home.

Signs of Excess Humidity

There are a few telltale signs that there may be too much humidity in your home:

  • Condensation on the inside of your windows – water beads or fog on the inside of your windows indicates there is too much moisture in the air. If left unattended, this moisture may eventually rot the wood casings around the windows; mold can also develop.
  • Mold spots – mold thrives in moist environments; this can include walls and ceilings, particularly in bathrooms and basement spaces.
  • Musty odor – mold has a distinctive, musty odor. If you smell it, you most likely have mold somewhere, even if you can’t see it.

How a Dehumidifier Works

A whole-home dehumidifier removes the excess moisture from the air before it can get into in your system. How does it work? The dehumidifier fan draws warm, humid air over a cold coil, which condenses the moisture into liquid; the water is removed via a drain pipe. The now-dry air then passes over a warm coil and is added back into your system. A whole-home dehumidifier can be seamlessly added to your air conditioning system, and works as part of the system so there’s no extra managing it on your part.

Excess humidity can cause damage to your home and health problems for you and your family.

If you see the signs of excess humidity, it may be time to consider the installation of a whole-home dehumidifier in St. Augustine. Call Climate Masters today.

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How Electronic Air Purifiers Clean Your Air

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

Part of your overall comfort has to do with the air you breathe. Is it clean? Is it good for your health? If you are concerned about your indoor air quality in Ponte Vedra Beach, or have worries about excessive allergens, you may want to consider adding an electronic air purifier to your air conditioning system. Room air purifiers can help with air quality issues, but, if you want a whole-home effect, Climate Masters has air purifier upgrades that can help you achieve both better air quality and comfort.

Types of Electronic Purifiers

There are two types of electronic air purifiers:

  1. Electronic precipitators
  2. Ion generators

Electronic Precipitators

Electronic precipitators clean the air by capturing airborne particles via electrostatic attraction. Using a small amount of electricity, electronic precipitators draw air through an ion section where particles are electrically charged. Oppositely-charged metal collection plates attract these charged particles and capture them. Plates need to be cleaned approximately every 3 months to remain effective.

Ion Generators

Ion generators have a similar process, but do not draw air through an ion section, nor do they have collection plates. Instead, ions are dispersed into the air where they charge particles; these particles then land on surfaces in your home, such as walls, tables and counters and are cleaned with regular house cleaning.

Benefits of Electronic Air Purifiers

  • Clean the air by capturing pollutants
  • Help with respiratory issues such as asthma and COPD
  • Help eliminate harmful chemicals
  • Help reduce allergens

Is an Electronic Air Purifier for You?

The best way to determine if an electronic air purifier is for you is to work with a trained professional. Climate Masters has been helping customers with indoor air quality for over 20 years and we can assist you with your indoor air quality needs in Ponte Vedra Beach. Call us today and schedule an appointment with one of our installation experts.

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When Is It Time to Go with Duct Replacement?

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

It can be easy to forget about your ductwork because it is not easily seen. But like any other part of your air conditioning system, your ducts can suffer from damage and breakdown, and at some point, may need replacement. So how do you know when it’s time for duct replacement in St. Augustine? Here are a few signs that it may be time to replace your ductwork:

  • Very high energy bills – are you using your air conditioner the same as always but see a big jump in your energy usage? This could be an indication of air loss in your ductwork, and until it is fixed, your ductwork will continue to leak.
  • Excess humidity – humidity can get into your ductwork through cracks and disconnections, and because humidity enters your vents directly, it also gets added directly to your airstream and delivered to your indoors. Excess humidity can cause multiple problems, including stress to your air conditioner, mold growth in your ducts, and poor indoor air quality in your home.
  • Distinct hot and cold spots – it is normal to have a small variance in temperature in different parts of your home, but if you experience sharp fluctuations, there may be a problem with certain air ducts and the volume of air they are carrying.
  • Mold or mildew growth – mold and mildew thrive in cool, dark and moist environments, which can make your ductwork the perfect place for such pollutants to grow. Metal ducts can usually be cleaned of mold and mildew, but plastic ductwork can retain both the mold and spores after a cleaning, so to fully eradicate it, replacement may be required.
  • Crushed and/or collapsed ductwork – ducts are not made to withstand heavy pressure from outside objects; they may also collapse due to broken connections. In either case, not only is your air flow compromised, but so is the overall operation of your air conditioning system. Collapsed ductwork may be reconnected if there is minimal damage, but crushed ductwork will most likely need to be replaced.

Always Hire a Professional for Duct Replacement

Your ductwork is the delivery system for your air conditioner, so it’s very important that it be well-designed and installed properly; this is why you should always use a trained professional for any and all ductwork.

For almost 25 years, Climate Masters has installed and replaced ductwork in St. Augustine. If you think it may be time to replace your ductwork, call us today.

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How Do UV Germicidal Lights Protect My Home?

Friday, June 27th, 2014

If you’ve installed a whole-home air filtration system, you have most likely seen for yourself how clean your indoor air is. Air filtration systems are great, particularly for allergy sufferers, but what about germs and viruses? One of the best ways to manage biological pollutants in your St. Augustine home is with the use of UV germicidal lights. UV lights can eliminate biological microbes from your air conditioning system with incredible efficiency, helping to make your indoor air as clean as possible.

What Are UV Lights?

Used in hospitals, food processing plants and other places that come into contact with biological pollutants, UV lights are light bulbs that produce c-type ultraviolet wavelengths to destroy the DNA of different types of germs, including viruses, bacteria, mold and mildew spores and fungus. UV germicidal lights can kill over 99% of any micro-organisms in the air, making them extremely effective in destroying many particulates that may be in your system.

How Do UV Lights Protect?

The first way, as described above, is by killing the vast majority of bad microorganisms that can be in your indoor air. Other benefits include:

  • Stopping mold and mildew growth
  • Eliminating odors
  • Destroying volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Changing Lamps

UV germicidal lights do require replacement to be effective. When used in conjunction with your air conditioning system, the recommendation is to replace the lights every 2 years, even if the lights are still working.


While UV germicidal lamps can kill micro-organisms on dust, they cannot filter it out like an air filter or air purifier can.

Light Up Your Health with UV Germicidal Lights

Having truly healthful indoor air can be great for everyone in your home, especially younger children, those with respiratory issues and allergy sufferers. UV germicidal lights can be powerful, and if not installed properly, may not be as beneficial as they should be; this is why we recommend using trained professionals for your UV germicidal light installation in St. Augustine.

Whether you want to add UV lights, or explore other upgrades to your air conditioning system, schedule an appointment with Climate Masters today and work with our trained experts.

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